Amphitheatre Use Guidelines
This document represents amphitheatre use guidelines only. Ultimate use of the amphitheatre shall be governed by the lease agreement executed by Lessor and Lessee.
Cobb County reserves the right, at any time, to order removed any persons, animals, furniture, fixtures, wiring, exhibits or other items, and to terminate the lease agreement without notice or liability.
Lessee accepts the facility in good order and agrees to return it to the Lessor in the same condition, normal wear accepted. The Lessee will be liable for any and all damages caused through its own action or the acts of any of its employees, agents or anyone visiting the building upon the invitation of the Lessee, as well as damages caused to the building.
Cobb County will furnish air conditioning in dressing room and office areas; lighting and normal janitorial services; which, in its opinion, is adequate with respect to the intended use; however, the County shall consider both the burdens placed by the intended use and the reasonable needs of the Lessee. The failure to furnish these services shall not abrogate the agreement and shall not entitle the Lessee to any rebate in rental fees. Additional after-hours janitorial services, as required, will be billed to the Lessee at the prevailing rates.
Management reserves the right to review any contracts between Lessees and other parties involved in the events. No portion of amphitheatre may be sub-leased by the Lessee without the consent, in writing, of the manager and Lessee may not use building for any purpose except as specified on the lease agreement.
Event advertising naming the amphitheatre may not be distributed prior to signing an amphitheatre lease agreement and paying a deposit.
Televised shows or events will be required to pay the current rate for electricians and/or electrical services. The Lessee will also pay the cost of any additional electrical requirements. The name "Cobb County" must appear in the credits of any event filmed on site.
The Lessee or his/her representative must remain at the amphitheatre until the event is over and all participants; audience; equipment and/or property have been removed. amphitheatre manager must pre-approve any exceptions to this policy. If a performer does not appear or perform, as advertised, the promoter will explain to ticket holders why there was no performance and will make refunds, as required.
The Lessee is responsible for providing additional staff as required by facility. If Lessee does not provide the personnel, they will be charged at the rate listed on the rate sheet. The approval of custodial or technical personnel should be arranged with management prior to the event. These volunteers/employees would be subject to the following: approval by management, knowledge of the amphitheatre rules and ability to enforce the amphitheatre use guidelines. The Lessee will arrange for all move-in and move-out personnel. Cobb County/Mable House Barnes Amphitheatre staff is not available to assist with loading or unloading event equipment or materials.
Civic organizations may choose to pay a $500 per day fee to the Mable House Amphitheatre Parking Company to provide a minimum of five parking lot attendants 2 hours prior to the event. All other organizations are required to use the parking company hired by the amphitheatre. The fee for this parking service is paid in the form of an additional $1 facility service fee added to all tickets purchased by persons attending the event.
The amphitheatre will not furnish tools and materials. No nails, tacks, staples, brads, etc. may be driven into any portion of the amphitheatre; and, no changes, repairs, painting, staining or alterations that will change the finish, appearance or contours of the buildings will be permitted without the consent of management. Use of tape on county equipment or building structure is prohibited unless prior authorization by management and only gaffer, spike or glow tape may be used. No exhibit may be displayed around the amphitheatre or suspended from permanent fixtures or beams without the permission of the management. Helium filled balloons are prohibited under seating canopy or on stage.
County furniture and/or equipment (this includes office equipment) may not to be moved by anyone except facility personnel and may not to be used without the consent of management. Anyone found abusing, destroying or removing county property could be barred from the premises.
The construction of sets is limited to designated areas. The work area must be kept clean and be cleared upon completion of construction.
No pamphlets, inserts, advertising matter, political handbills or like may be distributed at the amphitheatre without the consent of management. Pickets and solicitors are prohibited on county property.
Lessee is to have an approved agent available to receive and ship all freight within contracted hours of use. Freight will not be accepted prior to contracted dates and Cobb County will not be responsible for any freight shipped to or from the amphitheatre.
Animals may not be brought on to the Mable House Barnes Amphitheatre property without the express consent of management.
Cobb County assumes no responsibility for items left by users or lost and found items. The County reserves the right to remove from the building all property remaining in the building after the contracted time has lapsed or to charge the Lessee $100.00 for the first day and $25.00 each additional day up to 30 days. Property will be disposed of at the discretion of management.
Nothing contained in the lease agreement shall be construed to prohibit the Department of Public Safety, Health Department or any other agency of Cobb County, its agents or its employees from entering the leased premises for the purpose of discharging their lawful duties.
Lessees must abide by the Cobb County Noise Ordinance, which prohibits operation of musical instruments, loudspeakers and amplifiers in a manner as to be plainly audible at a distance of 50 feet from the building after 11:00pm. All outdoor concerts must end no later 10:30pm.