About the Arts Center

Contact me at

Veronica Duarte - Arts Program Coordinator I
Contact me at

Erica DeNova - Specialist
Contact me at

Amelia Barnett - Specialist
Contact me at
Welcome to the Mable House Arts Center!
The Mable House Complex fosters the arts in South Cobb and is full of exciting events all year round. The Mable House Arts Center houses a modest art gallery that rotates exhibits, offers a variety of art classes for adults and children, seasonal art camps, theatre productions, and meeting space for non-profit arts related organizations. This facility has been serving the community for over 20 years and we are grateful to be tax supported and part of Cobb County PARKS
The Mable House Arts Center Gallery offers a wide range of exciting works from wall pieces to sculptural tabletops, to local and national artists, as well as supports the creative up and coming artists from area schools.
MHAC is always seeking talented artists and instructors to offer a variety of creative art classes, workshops, solo exhibitions, or large event partnerships. If you are interested in collaborating with the Mable House Arts Center, please email:
If you are interested in working as a summer camp counselor, please click HERE to apply.
To join our email list, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with "mailing list" in the subject line.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a welcoming environment for students of all ages to gain artistic enrichment by offering a diverse program of classes, gallery exhibitions, seasonal art camps, theatre productions, and meeting space for non-profit arts related organizations.
Thanks again for your interest in the arts and the Mable House. Please feel free to give us a call with any questions or suggestions.
Hope to see you soon!
-Mable House Staff
9 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday
Call for evening and weekend hours.