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Rent the Venue

Rent the Venue

Amphitheatre ADA Compliance

The Cobb County Board of Commissioners complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Public Law 101-336 (ADA), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability, be denied the benefits of Cobb County services, programs, activities, or employment with Cobb County. If you have a specific physical or service accessibility need, please make the staff aware of what you need so that we can reasonably accommodate you. For further information or alternate formats of this notice, p…

Amphitheatre Lease Information

User Group Rates Civic/Non-Profit Rate: A rate applied to non-profit corporations (501c3); charitable and civic organizations; arts groups; churches; schools; individuals; etc. Lessees who are not non-profit may qualify for a civic rate if at least 60% of the profit made is given to a legitimate charity. Commercial Rate: A rate applied to any individual or group whose primary objective is the making of a profit. Corporate Rate: A rate applied to commercial Lessees for non-revenue producing…

Amphitheatre Rates & Specifications

Civic Rate 8am - Midnight $200 / hour, 6 hour minimum $70 / hour move in/out rate $100 / hour rehearsal rate School Performance Rate 6-hour increment ($850/day) (Call 770-819-2943 for Cobb County Public School's Rate) Commercial Rate 8am - Midnight 10% of gross receipts or $3,200 / day (Whichever is greater / $7,000 cap on receipts) $75 / hour move in/out rate $125 / hour rehearsal rate Corporate Rate 8am - Midnight $1,500 / 3 hour minimum $300 / hour after 3 hour minimum $75 / hour move…

Amphitheatre Safety Requirements

All capacity limits will be enforced. The Lessee must not sell tickets in excess of amphitheatre capacity. The Lessor reserves the rights to monitor the attendance and to limit the admission, should the amphitheatre reach capacity. Sidewalks, passageways, halls, stairways, seating areas or exits may not be obstructed by any object or person. No person will be allowed to bring in or keep anything that may create a fire hazard or be detrimental to the fire protection of the building. All decorat…

Amphitheatre Technical Policy

If the show is a “walk-in” (podium type events where nothing is hung or moved and basic “as-is” lighting is used) or if the Lessee provides a full stage and running crew, there will be the need for only one technician on site. Events needing special lighting or audio set-ups, hanging of drops, moving of the soft goods (i.e. curtains, legs, etc.) will need additional technicians. Only authorized technicians will operate lights, sound, rigging or stage equipment in the theater. The use of any a…

Amphitheatre Use Guidelines

This document represents amphitheatre use guidelines only. Ultimate use of the amphitheatre shall be governed by the lease agreement executed by Lessor and Lessee. Cobb County reserves the right, at any time, to order removed any persons, animals, furniture, fixtures, wiring, exhibits or other items, and to terminate the lease agreement without notice or liability. Lessee accepts the facility in good order and agrees to return it to the Lessor in the same condition, normal wear accepted. The…

Insurance, Security, & Food Service

Insurance Requirements Commercial Lessees and Lessees charging admission; taking orders or selling merchandise; distributing food or alcohol; or events with a higher risk factor must agree to carry comprehensive liability insurance in a company authorized to do business in the State of Georgia. Minimum insurance coverage is required as follows: $500,000 bodily injury to any one person; $1,000,000 for bodily injury from any one accident; and $100,000 for property damage for any one accident. Co…