Events Calendar
This workshop meets twice: Tuesday, March 5th (1 hour), and again on Tuesday, March 16th (30 minutes) at 6:30 pm.
This is a 2-day workshop for youth ages 8-13 to create their own Easter basket out of clay. On March 5th, instructor Veronica Duarte will lead students through the step-by-step process of weaving clay to create an Easter basket that can be used and enjoyed for years to come. The hand-built clay basket will be constructed during the first session of this workshop. Students will return for a 30-minute follow-up session on March 16th to glaze the baskets in preparation for their final firing in the kiln. All materials for this workshop are provided.
The date of final pick-up for the food-safe, ceramic baskets will be announced to registrants on March 16th.